Troll Co.


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Troll Co. Clothing

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jobs | trolls | troll


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Me and my pals used to crack jokes about resembling Trolls after a hard day at work, all grubby clothes and disheveled hair. But now, thanks to internet culture, the word 'Troll' has a whole new definition. It's used to describe those folks who hide behind their keyboards and spread negativity. We're determined to reclaim the original meaning of Troll, signifying us hard-working folks who never back down.

Trades jobs are totally rad and can be just as awesome and bankable as those fancy office gigs. But, here's the bummer - we're running low on skilled young blood in the trades, which means we're gonna have a major shortage real soon. It's high time we ditch this lame idea that trades jobs are less important than other fancy-pants professions and start hyping up these careers for the cool kids.

If you're keen on getting into the trades, grab our app and kickstart your journey towards a badass career.


Not everyone is cut out to be a lawyer or dentist, and that's totally cool. You know what can be just as awesome and lucrative? Trade jobs! They let you feel proud of your work and say, "Yeah, I built that!" when the day is done. But here's the thing: there aren't enough young folks getting into trades these days, which leaves a big ol' gap in the workforce.

We gotta shift our thinking and realize that trade jobs are just as crucial as any other profession. Instead of pushing young folks away from these careers, we should be hyping them up and giving 'em all the support they need. That way, we'll have a badass trades workforce that can handle anything.

If you're into trades and want to kickstart your career, grab our app now! It's your ticket to a successful future in the trades.


Trades jobs are like super important for our economy, but we seriously need more young peeps with skills to join the workforce. It's high time we start seeing trades jobs as equally valuable as other fancy professions and get young folks hyped about pursuing these careers.

By backing and cheering on blue-collar gigs, we can make sure that the skilled labor force stays robust and badass. These kinds of jobs are totally rad and can be just as awesome and fat-paying as those fancy desk jobs. So, folks can feel super proud of their work and be like, "Yeah, I totally built that!" when the day's done.

If you wanna get in on the trades action, just grab our app and kickstart your awesome career. Together, let's make sure the trades stay badass and ready to rock for many years to come!


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