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kitt | call | silence


Editor Reviews

KITT is like your super helpful sidekick that's always there, ready to do whatever you need! You don't even have to bother turning it on or making it listen - it's always on the lookout for your commands. So, whenever you want info or need something done, KITT's got your back! No more wasting time searching for apps or getting lost in menus.

If you wanna rock KITT, just throw out some cool commands and watch it do its thing. You can tell it to open apps, call your buddies, or find info for you. Like, say "open Google" to get the Google app up and running, or "call Alex" to buzz your buddy named Alex. And if you're curious about something, just say "find me info about Google" and KITT will dig it up for ya. Oh, and if you wanna hide an app, just yell "minimize," and when you want it back in action, shout "pop up." Easy peasy!

If you ever need to shut KITT up, just flip the 'Listen' switch off. That way, it won't bother listening to any more of your commands until you decide to turn it back on. It can come in handy when you're trying to concentrate on something important or when you don't want KITT to start blabbering by mistake.

All in all, KITT is like a super handy sidekick that's got your back and makes life a breeze. With just a few easy commands under your belt, you can tap into its awesome abilities and make your day-to-day tasks a total cinch.

KITT is like your super helpful sidekick! It can do all sorts of things to keep you on top of your game. Whether you wanna open an app, call someone, or find info, KITT is there to lend a hand.

To use KITT, you can do all sorts of cool stuff with just a few commands. Like, if you wanna check something on Google real quick, just say 'open Google' and bam! The app pops up. Need to make an emergency call? Easy peasy, just say 'call 911' and help is on the way. And if you wanna know more about Google, say 'find me information about Google' and KITT will search it up for ya. Oh, and when you wanna hide an app, just say 'minimize', and when you want it back, simply say 'pop up'. It's that simple!

If you wanna shut KITT up for any reason, just flip the 'Listen' switch off. That'll stop it from responding to any more commands until you flip it back on. It's handy when you gotta concentrate or when you don't want KITT to accidentally spring into action.

In a nutshell, KITT is like your super cool buddy who's always got your back when it comes to tackling your daily to-dos. With just a few easy commands under your belt, you can tap into its impressive range of features and give your life an awesome boost of efficiency.

KITT is like your personal sidekick, always ready to lend a hand and make your life a breeze. It's constantly tuned in to your needs, so you can count on it to swiftly tackle all sorts of tasks and dish out the info you're after.

To rock KITT, you can throw out all sorts of commands to make things happen. Like, say 'open Google' to fire up the Google app, 'call Alex' to dial up your buddy Alex, or 'find me info about Google' to dig up some dirt on the company. And if you wanna hide an app, just drop a 'minimize' and if you want it back in action, give it a little 'pop up'. Easy peasy!

If you wanna shut KITT up for any reason, just flip the 'Listen' switch off. That'll stop it from obeying any more commands until you flick it back on. It comes in handy when you need to concentrate on something or when you don't want KITT to accidentally kick into action.

In a nutshell, KITT is like your ultimate sidekick that kicks butt! It's got all the power and flexibility to keep you on top of your game and super productive all day long. With just a few easy commands under your belt, you can tap into its awesome array of features and seriously streamline your life. Trust us, KITT will have you breezing through tasks like a total boss!


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