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John Boy Software

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radar | jbv1 | alerts


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JBV1 is like a buddy app for your Valentine One or Valentine One Gen2 Radar Detectors. It's made to help you stay on top of what's happening on the road and filter out the important stuff. With JBV1, you can see the frequency, signal strength, and direction of all the radars around you at the same time. Plus, it'll even talk to you when there's a new radar threat. And if you're worried about missing quick alerts, JBV1 has got your back with alert hold times that make it easier to spot those brief blips.

The app also has some cool features like running in the background, keeping track of alerts with reports sorted by day, time, and type, and showing you where the alerts happened on Google Maps. JBV1 also lets you create different profiles for your V1 settings and customize the sweeps and frequencies. It can automatically adjust the V1 mode based on your speed, block out false alerts based on GPS data, and even change settings automatically when you enter or leave certain areas that you set up. The app also lets you mark red light cameras, speed cameras, or anything else using GPS. And it shows you all the important V1 settings so you won't forget which bands are turned on or off.

JBV1 needs an ESP-enabled V1 or V1 Gen2 Radar Locator to work. If you have an older V1 model, you'll also need one of these Bluetooth adapters - V1connection or V1connection LE - to connect with your V1. You can get these adapters from Valentine Research Inc.

JBV1 is like the perfect sidekick for your Valentine One and Valentine One Gen2 Radar Locators. It's got all the cool features to help you stay on top of your radar game. You can see all the important info at once, like frequency, signal strength, and direction for any radar threats nearby. Plus, it even talks to you when there's a new threat! And if you've got a quick alert that you don't want to miss, JBV1 has got your back with alert hold times. It also keeps track of how far you've traveled since spotting a threat or how much time has passed. You can check out real-time graphs of signal strength and orientation too. Oh, and if there's a specific frequency that's bugging you, just hit snooze and ignore it for up to an hour, no matter where you are. Cool, right? So grab JBV1 and take your radar detector experience to the next level!

The app also does background stuff, keeps track of alerts and makes reports for each day and time, and shows the alerts on Google Maps. JBV1 has different profiles for V1 settings and custom sweeps/frequencies. It can automatically control V1 mode based on your speed, use GPS to ignore false alerts in certain areas, and change V1 settings automatically when you go in or out of places you set up. The app can also mark red light cameras, speed cameras, and other things using GPS. It shows important V1 settings so you don't forget which bands are turned on or off. To use JBV1, you need a V1 or V1 Gen2 Radar Locator with ESP enabled. If you have an older version of V1, you'll also need a Bluetooth adapter like V1connection or V1connection LE to connect it to JBV1.

JBV1 has an optional Accessibility Service that can do some cool stuff like splitting your screen or locking it with voice control. You can even take a screenshot just by using your voice! Oh, and don't worry about privacy because the app's privacy policy makes it clear that Valentine One, V1, and V1 Gen2 are all registered trademarks of Valentine Research Inc., and Android is a trademark of Google Inc. The app also asks for certain permissions like MODIFY PHONE STATE, READ PHONE STATE, and RECORD AUDIO, but don't sweat it - they're only used for specific things like making your device's speakerphone work in certain situations or detecting when you're on a call. Plus, you get the option to use voice control too!


Looking for a cool app to go with your Valentine One Radar Locator? Well, look no further! Check out this awesome companion app called DRIVE AWARE.

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