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Rocket Languages

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Editor Reviews

Rocket Languages is a super cool language learning system that helps you become a pro at Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, and more! And guess what? It's not boring at all! They've made sure to make it fun while still getting you talking like a native in no time.

The Rocket system is totally flexible, letting you learn at your own speed and whenever suits you. It gives you super detailed explanations about how the language works (all in English) and even throws in some cool cultural tips. Plus, it's got this genius testing thing that shows you words and phrases you struggle with over and over until they stick in your brain like super glue. And get this - it actually encourages you to speak out loud, which is a total game-changer for success. Rocket has packed in loads of fun activities and features to keep you hooked, motivated, and smashing your goals.

Each level of Rocket Languages has more than 60 hours of interactive audio lessons and language and culture lessons. There are also writing lessons, but only for script languages. The voice recognition feature allows you to improve your pronunciation by practicing thousands of phrases in each course. You get lifetime access with free upgrades and your progress is synced across all devices. You can try out free sample courses in any language without any annoying ads. Just keep in mind that the speech recognition feature relies on Google's speech recognition (Google Now), so if you have a custom ROM, make sure it's installed properly.

Rocket Languages is like the ultimate language learning buddy. It's got courses in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic (Egyptian), Russian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Hindi, and Korean. And get this - it actually makes learning fun! They've figured out all the tricks of successful polyglots who can speak five or more languages. They know how to make the most of your time, help you understand the language and culture inside out, make sure you remember what you learn forever, practice speaking so you sound like a local, and keep you motivated and having a blast along the way. Trust me, this system will have you chatting away in no time!

The Rocket system is super flexible and lets you learn at your own speed whenever you want. You'll get detailed instructions in English on how the language works, plus awesome tips on the culture too. The smart testing algorithm will keep showing you words and phrases that you struggle with until they're stuck in your brain like glue. It even encourages you to speak out loud, which is a major key to success. Rocket is packed with tons of fun activities and features to keep you hooked, motivated, and on top of your game.

Every level of Rocket Languages has more than 60 hours of awesome audio lessons, as well as over 60 hours of lessons on language and culture. You'll also get loads of writing lessons, but only for script languages. Plus, there's this cool voice recognition feature that helps you nail your pronunciation for thousands of phrases in each course. And the best part? You get unlimited access 24/7 for life, with free updates! Oh, and did I mention that all your progress syncs across all your devices? It's super convenient! And hey, guess what? You can try out some sample courses in any language you want for free! No annoying ads either! Just a heads up though, the speech recognition is powered by Google's speech recognition (Google Now), so if you're using a custom ROM, make sure it's installed properly.


Want to learn Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, or any other language? Look no further! Our online courses are the way to go. They actually work!

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