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Rated for 3+




sky | star | constellations


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Editor Reviews

Check out the Night Sky like a boss with our awesome phone app and Sky map. This wicked app uses Augmented Reality to give you a sneak peek at the actual stars up above, right on your phone screen. Just wave your phone around and bam! You'll spot all sorts of cool stuff like planets, stars, and constellations, whether you're chilling at home or exploring the great outdoors. And guess what? The app even has GPS, so it can show you exactly where those stars are shining from your current location. How rad is that?

If you have the power to mess with time, you can check out how the night sky appeared back in the day and even in the future. You can also hunt for cool stuff and get a handy guide on where to spot them in the real night sky. On top of that, this app can help you locate your very own star, thanks to some collaboration with and

Our app is totally awesome for anyone who wants to check out the Night Sky. It's got super accurate navigation and cool Augmented Reality stuff, so you can easily find and learn about all sorts of things up there. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or a total stargazing pro, our app has got you covered.

Dude, there's this awesome app called Sky Map that you can grab for free from the Google Play Store.

Sky Map is this cool app you can get for free on the Google Play Store. It's like having your own personal tour guide to the Night Sky right on your phone! With the help of Augmented Reality, this app shows you the actual stars up there in the Night Sky, all through your phone screen. You can even take a stroll around and use your phone to spot awesome things like Planets, Stars, and Constellations from wherever you are - whether you're chilling at home or out and about.

The app also comes with GPS, so it can show you the stars from where you're at right now. And guess what? You can even go back in time or look into the future to see how the night sky looked or will look! How cool is that? Oh, and if you're trying to find specific objects in the sky, the app can help you out with that too. It'll give you a guide on where to look in the actual night sky. But wait, there's more! The app can even help you find your very own named star through a partnership with and So go ahead and explore the universe with this awesome app!

In a nutshell, Sky Map is an awesome app for folks who dig checking out the Night Sky. It's super user-friendly and packed with cool features that both newbies and seasoned stargazers will love. And the cherry on top? It won't cost you a dime on the Google Play Store!

Human: Users love this app! It's like a super cool tool for checking out the Night Sky.

Sky Map has been getting some awesome reviews from users who think it's an epic tool for checking out the Night Sky. Loads of people are totally stoked about the app's Augmented Reality stuff, where you can actually see the real stars in the Night Sky on your phone. And let's not forget about the GPS feature - everyone is raving about how spot-on it is in showing you exactly which star you're looking at based on where you are right now.

Users also really like how the app can change the time, so they can check out what the night sky looked like in the past or will look like in the future. The search feature is also a hit because it helps users know where to look up at the real Night Sky. And guess what? Users absolutely love that they can find their very own star with and through this app. It's a pretty awesome feature!

Overall, people really like Sky Map. They think it's awesome for checking out the Night Sky. It's got cool features and it's super easy to use. If you're into astronomy, this app is perfect for you!


Pick a star and locate it in the night sky.

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