Teen Time


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Parental Control App by Teen Time

Content Rating

Rated for 3+




teentimeapp | apps | parental


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Editor Reviews

Teen Time is a super handy app for parents who want to keep an eye on their kids' phone habits. It's got all the cool features you need, like being able to put limits on games and apps, check out how much time your kid spends on their phone, and even set schedules for when they can use it. Plus, you can track their movements and get notifications when they reach certain places. Teen Time has three main sections: controlling screen time, parental controls, and making sure your kid stays safe. It's like having a personal assistant for parenting!

The screen time control feature is super handy for parents. It lets you totally block games and fun apps, put limits on YouTube, and say bye-bye to Snapchat and Instagram. The parental controls feature is pretty cool too. It gives you reports on all the websites your kid visits, what they're searching for, and even what YouTube videos they're watching. Plus, it keeps tabs on how long they're using their device each day and checks up on its status. And don't forget about the personal safety feature! It's got GPS tracking to keep an eye on your little one, notifications for when they arrive or leave school or home, a SOS widget in case of emergencies, and even remote sound control so you can make sure everything's okay. Oh, and there's also mandatory messages too!

Teen Time is super easy to get up and running. All you gotta do is download the app for free, follow the on-screen instructions, and boom! You'll have Teen Time for Kids on your kiddos' devices in no time. Plus, it's totally ad-free and you can try it out for a whole 14 days without spending a dime. Even after the trial, you can keep adding as many kids as you want, keep an eye on their screen time and device usage, use the SOS widget feature, check their battery level, and even monitor the sound level on their devices. It's like having your own little tech ninja squad at your fingertips!

Teen Time is like the bomb for parents who wanna make sure their kids are using their devices in a healthy way. This app lays down the law with some clear and upfront rules, and it even sends parents SOS notifications to keep them in the loop. Plus, it helps kids do better in school! If you need help with parental controls or setting screen time limits, their customer service peeps got your back. So why not give Teen Time a whirl and let 'em know what you think?


Hey there! Let's talk about some cool features for Android that can help parents keep an eye on their kids. First up, we've got screen time. This nifty feature lets you set limits on how much time your little ones spend on their devices. It's a great way to make sure they don't get too glued to the screen.

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