Ting Sensor

House & Home

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House & Home




Whisker Labs

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sensor | ting | detectors


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Ting is a cool tech and service that's all about keeping your fam and crib safe from electrical fires. It's got this super smart sensor that you can plug in yourself. This little guy keeps an eye on the electricity in your place, sniffing out those sneaky micro-arcs that like to start fires. But it doesn't stop there! Ting also watches out for any risky situations caused by crappy power from your local electric company. That stuff can fry your fancy gadgets, mess with your electrical setup, and even set the whole place ablaze! So with Ting, you can rest easy knowing you're protected.

You gotta install the Ting Sensor and activate your Ting service. Once it's all set up, the app will keep you in the loop 24/7. If there's a potential electrical fire danger, the Ting Fire Safety team will give you a shout and help you figure out how to deal with it. Sometimes, these hazards are caused by old or broken devices that just need to be tossed or replaced.

Some dangers come from the power provided to your home by the electric company. There are also risks with the wiring and other electrical parts in your house. If we suspect any of these hazards, our Ting Fire Safety Team will send a licensed electrician to your home, with your permission, to identify and fix the problem. And here's the best part: Ting will cover up to $1,000 in labor costs for this repair! Check out Ting's Service Terms for more information on this lifetime credit.

Ting is like the ultimate fire prevention superhero for your home! It's got your back and gives you complete peace of mind. This awesome system is all about sniffing out electrical fire dangers and other risky situations in your crib. Installing and activating the Ting Sensor is a piece of cake, and with its trusty app, you'll always be in the loop. If any potential fire hazards are found, don't worry! The Ting Fire Safety squad will reach out to you pronto and walk you through how to handle and fix the issue. Plus, here's a cool bonus: Ting hooks you up with up to $1,000 lifetime credit to cover repair costs. How cool is that?

Ting is a super smart system that keeps an eye on the electricity in your crib. It's like a secret agent, always on the lookout for those sneaky micro-arcs that can start fires. Not only that, it also checks if your power from the electric company is up to snuff and not causing any dangerous situations. If you want to keep your fam and home safe from electrical fires and other risks, Ting is the way to go. It's got your back 24/7, and if it spots any trouble, the Ting Fire Safety squad will be there to help you out.


Ting is here to make sure your home and loved ones stay safe from those scary electrical fires.

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