iTech Wearables

Health & Fitness

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Health & Fitness




iTech Wearables LLC

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smartwatches | wearables | itech


Editor Reviews

The iTech Wearables App is a super cool app that helps you stay healthy and fit. You can set goals for your health, fitness, and nutrition using this app. It works with a bunch of awesome iTech Wearables devices like the iTech Gladiator 2, iTech Fusion 2R, iTech Fusion 2S, iTech Active 2, iTech Fusion R, iTech Fusion S, and iTech Sport. With these devices connected to the app, you can keep track of your steps, heart rate, calories burned, sleep quality, and more. Plus, the app has a calorie tracker to help you watch what you eat and even detects when you're sleeping. It also reminds you to get moving and has GPS to keep you connected on the go!

The iTech Wearables App not only helps you keep track of your health and fitness, but it also lets you get notifications on your watch for texts, calls, and social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can even personalize your watch face and use the app to keep track of what you eat. Plus, the app will automatically update your watch for you. It does ask for some permissions like access to your camera, contacts, location, and storage, as well as Bluetooth and call logs. But don't worry - they won't share any of your information with other companies.

The iTech Wearables App is like a cool health and fitness buddy that has got your back. It's packed with tons of awesome features to help you keep track of your health and fitness goals. You can use it with different iTech Wearables devices and even customize the look of your watch face. Plus, you'll get all those handy notifications on your wrist and stay up-to-date with OTA updates. Don't worry about your privacy because the app only needs a few permissions and won't share any info with random outsiders.

The iTech Wearables App is super cool! It's got this awesome move reminder that gives you friendly little nudges to get up and get moving throughout the day. And check this out - you can also use the app to keep an eye on your calorie intake and how many calories you've burned. They even have this new food library thingy that makes it easy to see nutrition facts and add stuff to your calorie log. Oh, and it tracks your sleep too! It can even tell if you get up in the middle of the night for a snack (guilty!).


The iTech Wearables App

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