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prescription | pharmaceutical | medications


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This app is like your buddy when it comes to sorting out medication problems. Whether you've got some leftover pills, your doctor switched up your prescription halfway through, or you just wanna double-check what's inside that blister pack, this app has got your back! It's basically a cool medication dictionary where you can look up all kinds of prescribed and over-the-counter drugs. Just type in some keywords and boom! You'll find all the deets about the medication you need. Easy peasy!

One cool thing about this app is that it lets you save and handle all your meds with the 'My Clip' feature. So, even if you forget to bring your med notebook to the hospital, no worries! You can just use the app to see what meds you're supposed to take. This is super handy for people with long-term conditions who have to juggle a bunch of different meds and can't always remember them all. Plus, the app helps you keep track of important info like the med name, dosage instructions, where it was prescribed from, and when you last got a prescription.

The 'My Clip' feature is super handy for keeping track of your meds. Each med has its own memo function, so you can easily organize and manage them. For instance, you can make memos like 'oldest daughter's fever and pain relief' or 'used for second daughter's tummy trouble' to stay on top of your meds. Plus, you can create and move around memos however you like, making it super user-friendly. But hey, it's still a good idea to have your med notebook with you, just in case!

The app also lets you search for meds using keywords like ingredients, drug names, codes, or classifications. You'll get all the deets about the med, like what it's used for, when not to take it, and any side effects. It's cool 'cause you can search for meds even if you don't know the exact name – the app supports both hiragana and katakana. And if all you know is some random symbols or numbers on the package, no worries! You can still find the med with that info. Plus, you can search based on color, shape, or type of product (like tablets or syrups). Oh yeah, and if you wanna know which company makes or sells a certain med, just search by their name too!

Just a heads up, folks! Remember, when you use the app, it's totally on you. The app developers won't be held responsible for any mishaps or damages caused by using it. So, proceed with caution and take full responsibility for your actions while using the app!


You can totally find all the deets about drugs in the drug dictionary by just typing in the names of prescription or over-the-counter meds. And hey, you can save and keep track of the meds you usually take using the My Clip feature. Cool, right?

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