Ovulation & Period Tracker

Health & Fitness

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Health & Fitness




Leap Fitness Group

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Editor Reviews

So, the BBC and Privacy International did this cool study on popular apps, like the Period Tracker by Leap Fitness Group. They wanted to find out if these apps were sharing our data with Facebook. Well, guess what? None of them were! Woohoo! This is great news for all of us who care about privacy.

The app is totally spot-on and totally reliable, using your own menstrual history to make its predictions. And the more you use it, the better it gets - thanks to some fancy machine learning magic! Plus, it's got a super pretty design with all these cute little decorations. You can check out all your notes, see when you've had some fun time in bed (wink wink), track your moods, symptoms, weight, and temperature on a nifty chart... and so much more! Oh, and did I mention that you can automatically back up all your info by signing in with your Google account? And don't worry - this app doesn't collect or sell any of your personal deets. It's all about you and keeping things private!

The app has some cool features like tracking your monthly cycle, period, and predicting when you're most fertile. It even has a special period diary design that's super unique. You can personalize it based on your irregular periods by adjusting your cycle length and ovulation. Plus, the app tells you every day how likely you are to get pregnant and even has a mode for when you're expecting or just had a baby. You can also keep track of any symptoms you have and get reminders for your period, fertility, and ovulation. It even comes with weight and temperature charts! And the best part? You can use multiple accounts to track everything. Oh, and did I mention it's available in lots of different languages? So cool!

Need a pregnancy app? Look no further than the Period Tracker app! Not only does it help you keep track of your period and ovulation, but it can also assist you in getting pregnant or practicing birth control. It's the ultimate tool for women who want a reliable and easy-to-use period tracker.

In a nutshell, the Period Tracker app is a totally legit and safe way for ladies to keep tabs on their periods and ovulation. It's got a super cool design and loads of handy features. Plus, it's a relief to know that the app doesn't snatch up or peddle any of our personal info, as proven by that study from BBC and Privacy International.


Period App, find out when Aunt Flo is coming next and your chances of getting knocked up, keep tabs on when you're most fertile.

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