Seating Arrangement


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seating | guests | venue


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Hey there! So, there's this super cool seating planner app that you can use for all sorts of events like weddings, hotel seminars, or even setting up seating arrangements at the library. Now, in the past, some people were a bit annoyed because they kept getting bombarded with ads while using the app. But guess what? That problem has been fixed! So no more annoying ads to ruin your experience. However, just a heads up: right now you won't find this app on the Play Store. But hey, don't worry! You can still check out a video that gives you all the deets about what this awesome app can do before leaving a comment. It's totally worth it!

The app's paid version is totally ad-free and there are no limitations on its features. You can have guest names displayed on tables, create multiple events for different occasions, and even adjust the floor size to fit the venue. This app is super handy for any kind of event or special gathering, offering you customizable seating arrangements. If you're a hotel manager or in charge of organizing wedding events, this app is definitely worth giving a shot!

To use the app, just double-tap on the table or guest list for more options. You can add guests to a group and create new groups if you want. Simply drag a group from the left panel and drop it onto an empty table to seat guests from that group. If you want to move a guest around, click on an empty chair and then click on the guest you want to move. The app starts with a default event, but feel free to create as many events as you want and change the size of the floor.

Finally, peeps can snap a pic of the seating plan and shoot it over.

The seating planner app is a super handy tool for all you event planners and managers out there. It gives you tons of options to create the perfect seating arrangement for your events. You can even plan multiple events for different occasions using this app. The best part? If you go for the paid version, you won't have to deal with any annoying ads or limitations on features. Unfortunately, it's not available on the Play Store right now, but hey, you can always watch a video before leaving a comment to get all the deets on what it can do.

To use the app, just give the table or guest list a little double-tap and bam! More options will magically appear. You can add guests to a group and make new groups if you want. If you need to move a whole group, just drag it from the side panel and drop it onto an empty table. Easy peasy! And if you need to change up where someone is sitting, just click on an empty chair and then click on the person you want to move. Oh, and don't worry about starting from scratch every time - the app has a default event ready for you, but feel free to create as many events as your heart desires and even adjust the floor size. And when you're all done with your masterpiece seating arrangement, snap a screenshot and send it off to impress everyone!


Hey guys, before you leave a comment, make sure you actually watch the video! Trust me, it's way more awesome than you think.

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